
Monday, August 20, 2012

Green Lantern Review

Disclaimer: Contains spoilers!

Plot Summary: A test pilot is given a powerful ring from a dying alien that transforms him into a superhero soldier apart of an intergalactic military corps.

Review: While this film does deserve a lot of the criticism it receives, it isn't super bad by any means; it is mostly just mediocre and teeters on boring. From the get go, this movie ruins the character of Hal Jordan otherwise known as the most famous incarnation of the Green Lantern superhero. He's played by Ryan Reynolds, but I don't necessarily blame Reynolds for this one. I've seen Reynolds do serious characters in other roles so I think the studio is the one that decided they wanted to go with a more comedic Hal. Also, Hal has a lot fear?! Give me a break...his courage is one of his main attributes in the comics. Other than GL himself, we must contend with the bland Blake Lively; while I do think she is good looking, she is a terrible addition to the film and her character is utterly useless. The main villain, Hector Hammond, is so stupid and keeps screaming like a little girl. Few words can describe how annoyed I was with his incessant screaming, and he's such a cliched loser that I'm embarrassed for the writers. He's supposed to be a part of the stronger Parallax villain, but it just feels so stupid. Parallax is wasted as well since he's pretty much just this big blob of energy with no real discernible motive as to why he's so evil except some bull about being consumed by the yellow lantern's energy. Oa, planet of the GL corps. is wasted too, like everything in this film, as we only see glimpses of scenery while all of the drama there is useless (and what's up with the GLs just sitting around on their asses?). They introduce a background plot involving Sinestro, who is GL's most famous villain, almost as if for the sake of merely having a scene at the end of the credits to be cool. What would have made this film a million times better is if they simply focused on Hal becoming a GL and fighting actual intergalactic villains not some big baby with a giant head screaming like a frightened old woman. Or, hey, here's an idea: how about GL fighting his most iconic villain to lure in the casual viewers who might have a faint knowledge of him? There are some mildly entertaining moments and the action is okay. It would seem all the good ideas were being saved for a sequel...too bad that is probably not happening. This is a film with no real audience since it will annoy fans of GL and is too bland for a casual viewer. Eh, I guess if you like popcorn films give this one a whirl but keep in mind it's not nearly as bad as some critics would have you believe. I'll be sticking to the animated films for now.

Notable Moment: When Hal arrives on Oa and sees all the different alien lanterns.

Final Rating: 5.5/10

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