Tuesday, August 7, 2012
The Book of Eli Review
Disclaimer: Contains spoilers!
Plot Summary: In a post-apocalyptic future, one man travels the countryside in an effort to deliver a book to an unknown destination.
Review: I'm on a major Mila Kunis kick here! This film is yet another case of good ideas wasted completely. We have an ambiguous end of the world scenario with most of the typical cliches: bandits, ruthless baddies, and everyone is a selfish scumbag but the heroes. Most of these items can be forgiven, but where this film goes overboard is toward the end with the revelation that Eli is blind, on a literal mission of "God", and the book he's protecting is a braille bible; a braille bible would be in like 10 or more volumes! I don't even mind the religious nonsense, but Eli being blind and a little bible being written in braille is laughable. Also, Eli has memorized the entire bible by heart?! He only reads a sentence or two a day, if that, as we see in the film! I'm okay with suspension of disbelief, but then there's asking me to accept the impossible. Ugh...but even with these ridiculous plot twists, this movie is enjoyable up to a point. The acting is good from the leads: Denzel Washington, Ms. Kunis, and Gary Oldman, and the action and setups are interesting enough. I would have liked this movie so much more had it stayed grounded in reality rather than leaping way ahead into fantasy land; in fact, we never learn why Eli is such a good fighter considering he's blind. The ending scene is also really stupid because it implies "God" wants to maintain a library of some sort. Seriously, what on earth were they thinking with that one? This film is worth a view, but be prepared for that ridiculous ending.
Notable Moment: When Eli kills all the wannabe tough guys at the bar.
Final Rating: 6/10
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