
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Goonies Review

Disclaimer: Contains spoilers!

Plot Summary: A group of misfit kids called the Goonies find and follow a treasure map belonging to the pirate, One Eyed Willy.

Review: This is the quintessential family adventure film that works that '80s magic I often talk about. We have a variety of dorky characters called the Goonies who are all likeable in their own way, and we identify with on some level; I always liked Data! Early on, we get the personalities established, and from there we are taken on an adventure that keeps building as the film goes along. The balance of lightheartedness, comedy, and action works so perfectly that often films in this sub-genre screw up. Each setpiece that the characters encounter while following the treasure map stands out and is memorable like the organ made of bones. This film successfully pulls you into the journey, and you experience the ride that the kids are going through; this is a rare feat that few family films can accomplish and with as much heart as this film has. There are so many great moments such as the introduction of Sloth and his friendship with Chunk..."Hey you guys!" Even subtle little moments are hilarious like at the end when Mikey's dad has to sign his house over to the bank, and Mouth grabs the pen and rubs it onto the douchebag's coat! There are some cheesy moments even by '80s standards, but for the most part this is one of, if not, the best family adventure film out there. I just love virtually every aspect of this film and it was even more of an awesome experience growing up watching it and wishing I could also go on this kind of adventure with my friends! Everyone should have watched this film by now, but if I learned anything from my years in school it's that people have had empty childhoods! Go out and watch this film even if you're a younger person, and if you're over the age of 25, I really have to wonder what is wrong with you.

Notable Moment: When the kids are aboard the pirate ship and trying to get as much treasure as possible as well as the accompanying scenes.

Final Rating: 9/10

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