Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Don't Click Review
Disclaimer: Contains spoilers!
Plot Summary: Two sisters are accidentally given a cursed video file in which every view brings you closer to death.
Review: For like the tenth time this month, we are faced with wasted potential and missed opportunities. I suppose this movie could be lumped into the category of "Ringu" ripoffs with a slight change to the formula. This film throws you off guard in the beginning, because there is a decent opening scare followed by a borderline comedic introduction to all the characters. I really don't know what they were going for with this opening, but many of the following scenes only leave more confusion; for example, there is a point when the two sisters are taking a bath together and one washes the other's back...say what?! These are older women mind you (only in Korea!). There's a major contrivance early on where some coworker of the younger sister discusses the haunted video file conveniently before the sister gets said file (we won't even go into how she knew it existed). This is further made ridiculous by the fact that the older sister's "boyfriend" coincidentally works at some censorship office (I really don't know) and just so happens to copy that exact file that same day! Oh come on! I did like the concept of the video file changing with each viewing, but it still led back to senselessness. It is never explained why 108 viewings is the magic number or the fact that we've seen ghosts haunt physical objects, but a video file? Eh, interesting idea in theory, but not properly realized in my opinion. The motivations for the ghost are paper thin as well. Allegedly someone caught the ghost's dad on video groping some woman and this tore their family apart. So she used some incantation to force herself to become a vengeful spirit after committing suicide. She was uploading all of this live, and that is supposedly how she came to haunt the video file despite the fact that this censorship company took down the video immediately. I guess somehow that makes a little sense but not really since why isn't this ghost going after the people that wronged her? The film is also padded with pointless plotlines that led nowhere like the younger sister being filmed dancing in her underwear, the younger sister becoming semi-possessed, the older sister and this "boyfriend" drama, and random, creepy text messages being sent to the older sister. Surprinsgly the ghost is hardly even seen, and we are instead shown POV perspective from the ghost like that is scary; when we do see the ghost she just looks human so what was the point? I know all of this makes the film sound so bad, but it is slightly above average. I would have rated it higher had a lot of these ideas been executed better, and if there weren't so many wasted scares. There was so much potential here it is kind of hard to believe they screwed it up so badly.
Notable Moment: When one girl who has watched the video in its entirety is being chased in a parking garage.
Final Rating: 5.5/10
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