Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Night of the Demons (remake) Review
Disclaimer: Contains spoilers!
Plot Summary: A Halloween party at a famously haunted estate unleashes demons bent on destroying the world.
Review: Since pretty much every horror movie that made it to the theaters in the 70's and 80s has been remade it should come as no shock that even a little movie like "Night of the Demons" got the remake treatment. Unfortunately, other than the title, a few character names, and it taking place on Halloween, this remake has nothing in common with the original. They don't even reuse the Hull House plot which was the most unusual decision and instead focus on some mansion in Louisiana as if that hasn't been played out to death by this point. While most of the changes are for the worse, I will say that this film is a definite step above the lowly part 3 but doesn't come close to capturing the charm of the original or awesome factor of part 2.
The film teases you at first because the Halloween element was severely lacking in the other movies but is more integral to this story. It was nice to see shots of hundreds of people dressed up and running about to set the tone with the aid of a cameo by Linnea Quigely from the original; although wouldn't a cameo by Amelia Kinkade be a bit more appropriate? Also, the main cast are all dressed in costumes for once with the exception of Edward Furlong's character, Colin; Mr. Furlong, who looks like shit by the way, is one of the dumber change ups to the story since he's some low level drug dealer, but, to his credit, he's the best actor in the movie. The girls are decent looking in that fake Hollywood-esque kind of way and most of the actors are familiar in one way or another from other horror movies so there's that in the positive category...sort of. Shannon Elizabeth takes on the role of Angela this time around and does an okay job; she looks a lot better that's for sure--sorry Ms. Kinkade! Although, to the original film's credit, the effects on the demons look terrible in this entry. Well, actually, the remake demons do look scarier, but they look too fake and are obvious masks often which really blows; there are also moments of cheap, fast animation which is painfully bad to behold.
The story this time around is in 1925 some chick threw a Halloween party and summoned demons inadvertently through a seance. For some inexplicable reason the demons needed a specific number of victims to complete their moronic plan to destroy the world, and the girl kills herself to prevent them from completing the ritual; certain plot elements like the demons only having Halloween night to work with and not being able to leave the estate remain intact. In modern times, Angela is throwing her own Halloween bash at the house until cops break up the party. Colin pointlessly ditches his drugs down a pipe or something only to later attempt to find said drugs once the cops leave; this scene feels so contrived in order to set the story in motion. As the remaining group dicks around at the mansion, Colin and Angela discover a secret room where the bodies of the 1925 guests were hidden. The group thinks they must have been a part of some ritual and then decide to leave the mansion only to discover it's locked (although clearly low enough to be climbed). Before this, Angela is somehow bitten by one of the bodies transferring a demon into her. Slowly, the group is killed and turned into demons in a similar vein as the original but nothing feels all that impressive or imaginative with the deaths. So as if there weren't enough filler to begin with, we spend a large amount of time with a couple characters hanging out in one room discussing plot points for exposition purposes. Apparently the chick from the beginning had a maid that knew all kinds of magic spells to block the demons and her wards against the demons still line the walls. This wouldn't have been too bad if it weren't for how easily the demons remove the wards implying they could have easily done that in 1925 to get their last victim then. Also, how the hell does collecting a few souls destroy the world? And if this isn't an instant destruction kind of situation, then how are these goofball demons going to take over the world on foot?! They are weak as fuck and get their asses handed to them left and right by the main girl! In the end, the main girl pretty much stalls long enough for Halloween night to end and fakes her death at one point to escape the demons. The end...except for some kind of funny last scene at the end of the credits.
Certain things are okay this time around like Halloween being more pivotal to the plot and a few cool effects. But I think it's safe to say this film differentiates enough from the source material that they didn't have to declare this a remake. I mean, the original has a cult following, but not enough to really garner much money so I don't see a point. Why not simply drop a few plot points and call this your own movie? Whatever. Either way, there are enough good and bad points to simply say this film is mediocre and call it a night. If you're tired of watching the "Halloween" franchise every year and looking for something new, perhaps give the "Night of the Demons" franchise a try but keep your hopes low.
Notable Moment: When we have the brief cameo of Linnea Quigley still in her little ballerina costume from the original. It's a nice touch but sort of creepy that she's doing her bending over shtick in front of two little girls.
Final Rating: 5/10
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