Friday, February 27, 2015
See No Evil 2 Review
Disclaimer: Contains spoilers!
Plot Summary: After miraculously surviving the events of the last film, Kane continues his killing spree at the morgue.
Review: Well if there were a list of movies that definitely did not need sequels, I'd imagine this would be high up there. I've already mentioned that the only reason to track this down is if you're a fan of Danielle Harris...or I guess a fan of Kane too. With that said, this was surprisingly a lot better than the first movie. This doesn't mean this film is good unto itself, but, when compared to the first one, this is a masterpiece. Actually, if there were two plot elements removed altogether, I might have humored the notion of this being a kind of cool slasher.
Okay, so at the end of part one, Kane was thrown from a 10 story building, had a pipe jammed through his eye, fell through glass, had the pipe shoved further through his skull, and was shown to have his ribs broken and puncturing his heart. And after all of that, he's just alive and seemingly stronger than ever?! Huh. That's a good one. This asshole isn't Jason nor is it ever implied he's supernatural so what the fuck? I guess it was the magic dog piss that brought him back. So Kane is taken to the city morgue which is a giant building for whatever reason. It's kind of cool, but I don't think a building this big would store a couple bodies and only employ a few workers. Yeah, they say it's the graveyard shift, but when the story begins it's still the shift prior and no one is there. Well, this is where we meet Amy, played by Ms. Harris, and her loverboy Seth. Conveniently enough, it's Amy's birthday and her flunky friends decide to party at the morgue on the same night Kane's body arrives. Right.
The new characters can be annoying, but not Jar Jar levels as with the first movie. With that said, we kick things off with a chick wanting to bang near Kane's body because that's what she's into. Of course! This fucking, combined with that magic dog piss, appears to resurrect Kane stronger than he was before and gives him clairvoyant abilities. Yes, that's right, within seconds of coming back from the dead, Kane already knows the entire blueprints of the morgue better than the employees and seemingly always knows where someone is at. It's really quite remarkable--I've never seen this level of psychic abilities in a slasher before. I mean, no one runs outside for hours...Kane's outside. You hide inside a room...Kane's waiting inside. You're about to go to an exit...Kane was just there blocking it off two seconds ago. I've said it before, but there are contrivances and then there are fucking contrivances!
Eventually Kane has killed everyone except Amy and Seth as he pursues them all over the morgue. But it's kind of hard when he runs through walls, kicks through gates, rips off padlocks like nothing, and is all around terminator all of a sudden. Though, Kane has given up his eye fetish for whatever reason. Right when I'm officially getting tired of the psychic bullshit, the movie gives me a double whammy by making Kane's spider-sense tingle right when Amy is about to open a door and Kane stabs her through it. Argh. Yup, they killed off my dear Danielle in a stupid way! Seth gets beat up a bit before he stabs Kane with an embalming machine which seemingly defeats Kane's bitch ass; we know this won't be the case as Seth attempts to drive for help. When he gets out of his car to lift a gate open, Seth is killed by Kane who has added teleportation to his repertoire. Oh goodness gracious. The film ends thinking this shit is "Halloween" as we see shots around the morgue where Kane had been.
Eh...this film is essentially mediocre through and through but sweetened by the involvement of Danielle. Actually, it was good to see Danielle as a likable lead since she has had some shitty bit roles recently, but killing her off was not wise. Who knows, if they're smart they'll make her miraculously come back to life too if there's ever a third entry. Other than the Danielle aspect, the action and kills were respectable. The dynamic of running around the morgue was better executed than what they accomplished with the hotel setting. On the other hand, Kane is so fucking annoying as a killer with his cheating abilities all the while swearing he's nothing more than a meathead. If you hated part one, you may find this slightly more enjoyable, but it's still loaded with contrivances out the ass. I'd say check it out, but only if you had the faintest appreciation for the first film and/or love for Danielle and Kane.
Notable Moment: When Amy is annoyingly killed off. Are you deliberately trying to piss me off?! 'Cause it's working.
Final Rating: 5/10
Why everybody's is dead in the this movie is trash 🗑