
Friday, March 4, 2016

Leprechaun Review

Disclaimer: Contains spoilers!

Plot Summary: Idiots are tormented by a killer leprechaun as antics ensue.

Review: Arrrghh. The "Leprechaun" franchise...oh goodness. How in the hell are there seven of these godforsaken movies? SEVEN?! I vaguely remember liking part 3, but this is easily one of the most loathsome horror icons. Besides being painfully moronic naturally, each entry simply makes up shit as they go. Say what you want against the likes of Jason or Michael Myers, but at least there is a degree of plot consistency in those franchises. The leprechaun's powers are whatever the writers want them to be with no logic or reason, and he can die on a whim when the running time is up. There is also little to no continuity between the films which makes being a fan utterly useless. This series is supposed to be comedic, however, I don't understand how the same jokes about "me fucking gold," "it's not wise to (fill in the blank) a leprechaun," and being a little person can carry on for seven films. could be worse...I could be watching the "Witchcraft" franchise (shudder)!

Although many horror franchises have decent or good starting films, the leprechaun series has no such luck. See, I can do lame puns too! The leprechaun starts off with seemingly invincible powers yet we are to believe some old guy captured him and forced the leprechaun to reveal his gold. Yes, the precious gold which will come back into play over and over and over and over again. The leprechaun is sealed in a crate by a four-leaf clover despite this old guy later claiming you can kill a leprechaun by putting the same clover on his body. Sooo...uhhh...why is there a movie then? The rest of the story revolves around Jennifer Aniston and her crew of flunkies dealing with the dumb leprechaun. And, yes, every review of this movie must acknowledge Ms. Aniston's involvement in this cinematic masterpiece. Her character is an annoying, hipster forerunner if that helps, but she is surprisingly outdone in the annoying department by a kid who speaks through his nose and some mentally challenged guy. Hey...I don't know what to tell you. The story is padded out with a ton of filler scenes and random victims just because. By the end, they don't even fully kill the leprechaun. On the bright side, we are shown that if you pour a little gasoline into a well, and light it up, it will cause a giant explosion for some inexplicable reason. So there's that.

 Look Jenny, it could have been a lot worse.

I can't fully blame this series for being absolute shit--it did come out in the early '90s after all. In fairness, Warwick Davis, playing the leprechaun, is having fun with the role which helps. There are enough acceptable ideas and jokes to allow the audience to persevere with the viewing. Seeing Ms. Aniston can be a draw for people, and she did look better here pre-surgery. It's just difficult to endure the blatant stupidity at every turn in this film and series as whole. Oh well, on to part 2.

Notable Moment: When the leprechaun sees himself in the mirror and screams. Okay, I'll admit that got a slight chuckle out of me.

Final Rating: 4/10

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