Disclaimer: Contains spoilers!
Plot Summary: A girl and her friends must figure out how to stop an evil spirit unleashed each Halloween.
Review: I think audience's should be aware of what they're getting into with this one. Other than a single profanity and a non-graphic death, this is essentially a PG-rated, family horror movie. More so, "Curse of Crom" feels like a long episode of "Are You Afraid of the Dark" or "Goosebumps;" knowing this aspect should keep viewer's expectations in check. If you're hankering for that "Halloween" alternative this year then this is definitely not it, however, this is certainly worthy material for the kids and parents to watch once trick-or-treating has ended.
So what are you really getting here? The story blends Celtic mythology with Samhain, the original Halloween. This is probably the best aspect to the film as it addresses the classic beliefs and traditions before the commercialization of the holiday. Beyond that, the characters have a certain, goofy charm to them that keeps things fun; the acting can be a bit hit or miss though. I wouldn't say we reach zany antics level, but you could tell the filmmakers were enjoying themselves while making the movie. Two things that could have been improved were the shoddy effects at times and not nearly enough scares. The bizarre part was they had a respectable Crom costume, so to speak, but there were pointless uses of garbage-tier CGI.
I'm not saying this is a Halloween classic in the making--since it's heavily flawed with massive contrivances--but I do think this fills a void missing in the current landscape. "Curse of Crom" doesn't take itself too seriously, yet, manages to straddle a thin line between true scares and something kids under 10 could handle. Likewise, this movie touches on subject matter few other films have touched on when concerning the actual holiday and its significance. I've probably reviewed more Halloween-themed movies than anyone else on the internet, so trust me when I say this is the rare Halloween-horror made with both parents and kids in mind.
Notable Moment: When Harvey is making that abomination of a sandwich. It's contrived, but I also like how he took the sandwich with him and kept eating it when running from Crom.
Final Rating: 6/10
Hey thanks for the watch and thoughtful review!