Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Infection Review
Disclaimer: Contains spoilers!
Plot Summary: An understaffed hospital is given an unwanted patient that appears to be infected with some new, horrible disease.
Review: I struggled with how to approach this film because it is not only weird, but it has a message that doesn't necessarily belong in a horror film or at least in the manner it was presented. This film is actually an expanded version of an episode from the "Tales of the Unusual" TV show which you may recall my review of the movie for that particular show. Essentially the heart of the story, or at least the meaning, is a societal critique of Japan's healthcare system. I never saw the episode itself, but if it's anything like this movie I'd hate to see a cheaper version. While I can appreciate the attempt to reach the audience, there was no subtlety or deeper meaning to be pondered. We are shown an over the top scenario of the characters being unfit, overworked, and underfunded. The film tries way too hard to beat this fact into your head that it's almost's like, "we get it!" The only thing the audience is left to wonder about was some monster or whatever running about which is supposed to represent a number of things while the "infection" itself is meant to represent guilt; the problem is this is also painfully obvious without much to speculate about. If the goal is be social commentary, you can't spell things out so clearly or else you mine as well just do a documentary or a "what if" scenario rather than a monster-movie approach. Furthermore, the story should have focused on the monster more because that would represent the discord of the healthcare system appropriately, but this is mostly overshadowed by the guilt aspect which has less to do with bad healthcare and more to do with poor judgement given the circumstances of the characters. I don't know how to fully convey it, but they just should have chosen a different path in which to explore these concepts like a drama. This is not to say the film is entirely bad as it does get some things right. The mystery is played up interestingly even if it all leads to nowhere-land. I do prefer the minimalist approach to the effects when they knew they didn't have the budget to back up said effects. There are some nuances and details that I appreciated from many of the actors that made the characters feel more real; likewise, the acting is decent from most while a bit idiotic from others. But the best part about the film was the incredibly attractive nurses! You know, I seem to constantly find myself praising nurses and schoolgirls! What can I say, I am a man of predictable tastes. Anyway, the nurses were definitely a highlight as they helped ease my way through the boredom. On the other hand, this film fails in numerous regards beyond the story elements I've already addressed. There are virtually no scares and a decently creepy-looking hospital set is wasted tremendously. There are multiple throwaway plotlines that were clearly used for padding since they amount to absolutely nothing. There is one character in particular that was added for no clear reason except as a transitional shot; he never contributes to the story, and there seems to be a buildup to something only for him to suddenly appear dead. Even though this is supposed to be some kind of monster movie, you would not imagine how boring and slow the pacing is with the action spread far too thin. Finally, the most egregious offense is none other than a nonsensical ending! You have probably noticed my loathing for shitty endings, and how much they influence my rating, and this ending felt like an afterthought. We are left to wonder if anything we have watched actually happened only to be thrown for another loop as we are then left to wonder what the fuck is happening plain out. For a film that barely attempted to disguise it's meaning, you'd think they would then provide a straightforward ending to leave you focused on the greater implications of the themes but nope. With the good and bad weighed I suppose this film worked out to be in mediocre territory. I like the outside the box presentation, but other than that, there isn't much on the positive side unless you want to drool over the nurses. This film suffered from a lack of focus, lack of horror elements and scares, and an unnecessarily stupid ending. I'd say it's worth a view if you're remotely interested in the plot, but understand what you're getting yourself into. This probably should have stayed a TV show episode since it simply does not work as a full-length film.
Notable Moment: When the head nurse is lurking in the shadows unbeknownst to one of the younger nurses. It's the only remotely scary moment, and given how late it comes, I'm too bored to even care!
Final Rating: 5/10
Two of the better looking nurses:
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